Inspire Me 2014 – Day Six

Every weekday this month I’m linking up with Showered with Design & Happiness is not a Destination for their Inspire Me 2014 Blog Challenge.

Day Six: A list of top 5 things that make you happy

1. Summertime– I love summertime and everything that comes with it… sunshine, a nice tan, longer days, fruity drinks, pool days.. just that feeling that people have in the summertime, everyone is more relaxed and laid back!

2. Freshly washed laundry – Is there anything better than the smell of freshly washed clothes? I don’t think so… It’s just the whole process of actually doing the laundry I could live without!

3. Traveling– 2013 was a great travel year for me, Hawaii, Mexico, Germany and a few other small trips within the US.  I’ve already got a Caribbean vacation, and another trip to Hawaii on the calendar for 2014, so hopefully it will shape up to be another great travel year!

4. Office Supplies – I’m obsessed with office supplies.. sharpie pens (the best!), cute file folders, planners, calendars.. the whole nine yards.  I love having a colorful and organized work space!

5. Spending quality time with friends, family, & G – I may not always have lots of time to spend with friends/family, but I want the time I do spend with them to be quality time!   Some of my favorite ways to spend time with them:  girls nights, date nights, and dinner with my family!



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Inspire Me 2014 – Day Three

Every weekday this month I’m linking up with Showered with Design & Happiness is not a Destination for their Inspire Me 2014 Blog Challenge.

Day Three: What changes will you make in 2014 to better yourself?

I already wrote about my biggest goal for 2014 here, but I do have a few other changes that I’m working to implement to better myself.  Seeing as we’re 18 months away from getting married, my biggest focus for 2014 is to get in shape and to a place where I’m happy with how I look.  I’m def. not there yet!  I set some lofty weight loss and fitness goals for this year, and to accomplish those goals I need to make several lifestyle changes:

1. Making fitness a priority.  I know I need to get my butt to the gym, daily. I’m planning to restart a few workout programs I tried in 2013: Turbofire and Insanity.  I’m also hoping to run at least 3 5k’s next year.  Longer term, (before the wedding) I’d like to make time for a half marathon.

2. Making healthy eating a priority.  McDonalds isn’t going to get me where I want to be, I need to incorporate lean meats and more veggies, I need to cut the mindless and late night snacking out.   One of the ways I’m working on this is by meal planning.  If I make a meal plan for the week it makes my life so much easier, so why don’t I do it every week?!?  Meal planning will also help me to reduce the number of days I eat out for lunch- which is such a bad (expensive and unhealthy) habit!

3. Stop drinking my calories.  Soda, alcohol, fru-fru coffees, juice, smoothies etc.. I need to get back to the basics– water!

It can be hard to cut out the bad habits,  but I really think these lifestyle changes are going to help me to get where I want to be come this time next year!


Showered With Design

Inspire Me 2014 – Day Two

Every weekday this month I’m linking up with Showered with Design & Happiness is not a Destination  for their Inspire Me 2014 Blog Challenge.

Day Two: Recap your favorite memories from 2013

I think most of my top five memories from last year made the blog, but here’s a quick photo recap:

1. Getting Engaged in Mexico:

photo 4

photo 5

2. Seeing humpback whales in Hawaii.. this was AMAZING! Unfortunately I was diving and didn’t bring my phone or camera, so a few random pictures from Hawaii will have to suffice.

photo 1

photo 2

photo 3

3. Trip to Germany with G, my mom, & sister

photo 4 (2)

4. Signing the contract for our wedding venue

Ball Room at night

Ball Room

5. I guess turning 25 was also kind of a big deal!

photo 1 (2)

photo 2 (2)

What were your highlights from last year?

PS: WordPress just notified me this is my 50th post!  Woot!


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Inspire Me 2014 – Day One

Every weekday this month I’m linking up with Showered with Design & Happiness is not a Destination for their Inspire Me 2014 Blog Challenge.

Day One: What did you do for New Years?

For the last week or so I had been asking G almost daily, ‘what should we do for NYE?’ and he’d shrug and I’d shrug and then we wouldn’t talk about it again until I’d ask the next day.  Tuesday (12/31) around noon it hit me, we had no plans for NYE -totally lame, I know!  We talked about grabbing dinner at one of our favorite Mexican restaurants and then heading home for a low key night alone so I made a reservation. Then about 10 minutes later G called me back and told me that none of his friends had plans, so we could just throw something together last minute.  So I cancelled our reservation, and we made plans to entertain.  We ended up having about 10 people over and just hung out. If I’m being completely honest, I changed into my PJ’s at 10:30, and by 12:15 I was asleep on the couch- with people still over — oops!

Then for New Year’s Day we had plans to go to G’s Aunt’s house- but with the snow we ended up staying home.  This was probably for the best because I’ve been feeling under the weather since yesterday morning.  So we basically just hung out at home and did nothing yesterday.  I have big plans for 2014, so I’m hoping this rocky start isn’t a sign of what’s to come!


How was your New Years?


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